3:39 PM

Watch our entry into the Crash the Superbowl Contest!!!

Check out Wooden Steel Production's Official Entry into the "Dorito's Crash The Superbowl" Contest by clicking the image above, their video is entitled "DON'T MISS A CHIP" and it features Shane Hartline, Scotty Trimmier and Tiffany Martin of The Monster's In the Morning. You can hear Tiffany every morning from 6:00AM - 11:00AM on Real Radio 104.1FM or XM Channel 152! Also you can check out her official website at www.TiffWorld.com, be sure to pick up a copy of her self titled CD and find out when you can see her perform!

Be sure to spread this video to your friends and family, we have a chance of winning $1,000,000 dollars and to have our video aired during the SUPERBOWL! So for right now the best support we can have on this is to watch the video, and get your friends and family to do so as well, because the more views we have the better of a chance we have to get noticed by the judges!

Thank you all for the support, hopefully we can go all the way with this one!