9:53 PM

Wooden Steel LIVE! Tomorrow Night from AKA Lounge in ORLANDO

Tomorrow Night Wooden Steel Productions will be doing their "Wooden Steel LIVE!" Broadcast from the AKA Lounge in Orlando, FL! We will start the streaming/broadcast around 9PM EST on www. woodensteel. tv/liveshow. html and you will be able to see "BLACK IN THE MIND", "AFTERGLOW RADIO" and "COLDSHOT" all live online and also of course your favorite Internet Sketch Comedy Group Wooden Steel Productions :)

If your in the Orlando Area, come out for your chance to be streamed live to Millions of people online! The Doors open at 8:30PM at the AKA Lounge, we'd love to meet ya!

Much Love,

8:58 PM

Updated Info on my Improv Class


An Impro​v Comed​y Works​hop to help peopl​e get on their​ feet with Impro​v and heade​d in the right​ direc​tion!​

Taugh​t by Shane​ Hartl​ine (​Woode​n Steel​ Produ​ction​s)​

Every​ Monda​y Night​

Festi​val Steak​ & Seafo​od (​Confe​rence​ Room)​
251 East Stuar​t Ave
Lake Wales​,​ FL 33853​

All Ages!​
Paren​ts,​ Guard​ians or guest​s may watch​ and obser​ve if desir​ed

Live Audie​nce Shows​ for advan​ced stude​nts will be booke​d occas​ional​ly over time and put toget​her/​hoste​d by Shane​ Hartl​ine.​

$5.00 Every​ Week

Pleas​e email​:​ shanehartline@gmail.com for more info!​

4:49 PM

Rip Malibu to Return to Wrestling January 31st!!!

9:53 PM


Check out pictures from a recent photoshoot I had with Photographer Carlos Novarro, you can check him out at closphoto.blogster.com

2:13 PM

Behind the Scenes of Wooden Steel Photoshoot + New Skittin Teaser Clip

Hey guys, we have a new Wooden Steel Featured Player, you can see him as we introduce him in our new "Behind the Scenes" Clip of our latest Photoshoot...

Behind the Scenes of Photoshoot

Also here's our 2nd Teaser Clip from the upcoming Skittin Across America DVD which will be released in February featuring WILL SASSO...

Will Sasso meets Wooden Steel Productions

4:16 PM

Awesome Photoshoot Today!

Today I took my new Headshots and Promo Shots for Acting and Comedy with Carlos Novarro in Orlando, FL...He does great work and you should check him out! http://closphoto.blogster.com/

My photos should be online within a week or two, I'm psyched!

Also yesterday myself, Scotty Trimmier and Garrett Bryant started shooting for a new sketch, it's going to be online in a week or two as well...it's going to be great!

Love ya babies,

1:56 PM

Join my Improv Workshop!


An Improv Comedy Workshop to help people get on their feet with Improv and headed in the right direction!

Taught by Shane Hartline (Wooden Steel Productions / SAK Comedy Lab Alumni)

Every Monday Night starting January 12th, 2009

Festival Steak & Seafood (Conference Room)
251 East Stuart Ave
Lake Wales, FL 33853

6:00PM-7:30PM (Juniors Class)
Age 12 – Age 15
Parents, Guardians or guests may watch and observe if desired

8:00PM -10:00PM (Seniors Class)
Age 16 – Age 24
Guests are not encouraged

Live Audience Shows for advanced students will be booked occasionally over time and put together/hosted by Shane Hartline.

$5.00 Every Week for both levels

Please email: shanehartline@gmail.com for more info!

12:07 PM

My Intervew with "I Believe in Wrestling"

I went to a "I Believe in Wrestling" Show this past Saturday Night, and they asked me to do an interview...you can view it below...



12:31 PM

Happy New Years Everyone!

Hope that this is your year! I have a good feeling about 2009, I have a lot of stuff in the works...stay tuned :)

Love you guys,