8:17 PM

Big Shot Live is Back?!?! SORTA!!!

That's right Big Shot Live is back, but with a different look and feel! If you were a part of Big Shot Live before, or voted for me you may remember the site was VERY hard to navigate...but that's all different. And you may also remember that Big Shot Live was only limited to very few things to help people get breaks in Acting Comedy Etc, but not with IF.NET you can get a break in almost anything you have an interest in! You should really join today, and go for your dreams, what do you have to loose?

Also while your there and after you register add me as a friend, HERE IS MY PROFILE...I will be uploading a video for the MadTV Contest this Friday, come back here to find out how you can help me win a chance to be on the show this weekend!

Thank you all, and join IF.NET TODAY!!!


12:52 AM

My crazy weekend!

So this past weekend my friend Ryan Sylvester's (Bassist - Black in the Mind) good friend Bowen Staines and three of his friends came down from Savannah, GA to stay at our place for the weekend. Bowen is a pro skater and a filmmaker and him and his crew were premiering on of their movies at our Townhouse/Studios friday night, and ended up actually filming a lot of footage for their future DVD after the screening. Lets just say we had a good time :)

Saturday, we took Bowen down to Lake Wales Skate Park and he did a little skate sesh with Scotty Trimmier and I filmed it and it will be featured in the Skittin Across America DVD. This DVD is going to have everything that anyone could ever want to watch. Drew Roberts came down also that day and we filmed some additional footage for the INTRO of the DVD, and the ending of the DVD. I'm almost done with the rough cut of the DVD, then I need to go back and add music, transitions, effects...the boring stuff.

Sunday Bowen and his crew left early and I spent the day editing Skittin and filmed something for an audition, more news to come soon :)

So yea it was a great weekend, check out Bowen Staines MySpace at the link below...


10:18 PM

Go Buy this Movie...

Go buy my Buddy Raab Himself's Movie "Hotdog Casserole" at the website below. It's super freakin' funny plus it has a lot of un-aired sketches featuring him and guys like Brandon Dicamillo and Rake Yohn...BUY IT TODAY, CHRISTMAS IS COMING UP AND IT'LL MAKE A HECK OF A STOCKING STUFFER!!!


8:35 PM

I landed the Disney Role!

Yep just found out today from my agent's that I landed the Disney Role, I'm pretty psyched. It's the first role that I've auditioned for and landed, so yea pretty rad! I will be filming for it sometime between October 5-9, I'll deff post whatever pictures I can from the shoot right here on my site!

Google "Laminin"...it's a protein that holds other molecules together, without it we would not exist...and it's all throughout us. Just google a picture of it, should make sense.

I love you all,
Shane Hartline

4:51 PM

ShaneHartline.com Photoshoot!

I did a Photoshoot this past weekend with Tara Knickerbocker to celebrate the opening of this website...Here are the pics...

Special thanks to Scotty Trimmier for editing these pics!

9:23 PM

My Weekend...

This weekend was VERY event-filled to say the least...

Friday Night like I said in my last post I helped with the new Black in the Mind Photoshoot, check out their myspace soon for the pictures. www.myspace.com/blackinthemind

Saturday I went to the beach for my buddy Garrett Bryant's Birthday. If you don't know Garrett he makes up 1/2 of "Crispy Punk TV", which is another Internet Based Sketch Comedy Group from around here. They will be featured on our Skittin Across America DVD, and have helped us out tremendously in the past with "Wooden Steel LIVE!" Webcasts and will when in starts back up in October. Check out their stuff at www.myspace.com/crispypunktv

Today I had another "SAK COMEDY LAB" Class. Almost done with my Level 3 class, and today I found out that I will be advanced on to Level 4 once this class is over in 2 weeks. Then after Level 4 I can start shows at SAK, YEAAAA BOY! When I got home from Orlando (SAK) around 6PM I grabbed a bite to eat, threw some clothes in the laundry and began some editing of Skittin Across America, which is what I'll get right back to doing after I finish this blog. It's turning out so awesome, I really cant wait for everyone to see it... www.skittinacrossamerica.com

Here's a Random picture I found of me today getting beaten up at my old FXE Wrestling Stompin' grounds by TOM LAWLOR. Tom used to be a buddy of mine at FXE, and now he's a part of SPIKE TV's New "The Ultimate Fighter Season 8" Currently airing on Wednesday Nights at 10PM EST on SPIKETV. You will see Tom's first fight this Wednesday Night as he will try to fight his way into the house...Check out Tom's online blog at www.tomlawlor.net

1:29 AM

My Friday Night...

So what did I do on my Friday Night? Well I'll just tell you then show you in some fancy iPhone pictures. I took part in helping with a new Black in the Mind Photoshoot (www.myspace.com/blackinthemind) that took place in my townhouse/studio and at a warehouse in town. They turned out great, keep a look out for the final products on their myspace...

Again if you ever have any questions or anything you'd like to see me talk about in my blog always feel free to contact me at shanehartline@aim.com

5:43 PM

Skittin Across America Editing Progress

For those that don't know I just finally began editing Skittin Across America Monday. I know your probably saying, "BUT YOU WENT ON THAT TRIP BACK IN JULY, AND YOUR JUST NOW STARTING TO EDIT IT?!?!!"...Don't fret, there is reason to this madness.

1.) I moved, and that took up alot of time.
2.) Good DVD's require an editing outline of sorts, and that took some time.
3.) I'm still trying to find a good charity to get the proceeds of this thing to, but it's a lot harder than you probably think!
4.) We're trying to gather good music for this thing, which is taking a lot of time.
5.) We just got done with the narration footage last Thursday, and we still have some more additional scenes to film. We have an intro scene that's going to blow your mind! In a funny blowing up kinda way.
6.) I'm trying to get publicity on our Story, and it's harder than I thought. I mean it's a really good story, does anyone know a media outlet that may be interested in covering it?

But yea, so I finally have started editing it, and it's kinda scary. Scary in that this is such an amazing project that I have in my hands that I'm now editing, and I want to make sure that I make it AMAZING! But roughly 20 mins into the DVD at a very raw state, it's looking pretty awesome. Can't wait till I can say It's all done and now we can have a DVD Release Party, by the way that's also in the planning ;)

For more information on our Skittin Across America DVD please visit: www.skittinacrossamerica.com

If you guys ever have any questions for me for my blog I'd love to answer them...email me at shanehartline@aim.com

Much love,

9:22 PM

Shane Hartline meets DISNEY?!?!

Yes you heard right...and no the world hasn't been sucked into a black hole. There may be a possibility that Shane Hartline may come in connection with Disney. It's not all that bad though. Today I had another audition through my new agency, and it was for a role in a new Disney Video where I play a small part as a Surfer. I felt like I did pretty good in the audition, we'll see how it turns out. As an actor trying to build a resume you have to take whatever you can get, and I was darn happy to take this. So go ahead and bash me or whatever, but I'm dang happy to have said I've auditioned for the dang mouse...and all his glory.

Other than that today, nuthin...but I will show you this nasty rock...

Shane....or as my buddy Garrett likes to say..."Shen"

4:36 PM

Know some Music that'd be perfect for our DVD? Road Trip 2

We'​re curre​ntly looki​ng for good music​ to be featu​red on our Skitt​in Acros​s Ameri​ca DVD. It can be ANY KIND of music​,​ there​'​s all kinds​ of scene​s that many diffe​rent genre​s would​ fit in our DVD. So if you know of a band that'​d be perfe​ct pleas​e messa​ge us their​ MySpa​ce and conta​ct infor​matio​n so we can get in touch​ with them and make it happe​n!​

Incas​e you haven​t seen the Skitt​in Acros​s Ameri​ca DVD Trail​er you shoul​d reall​y check​ it out at www.skitt​inacr​ossam​erica​.​com

Today was kinda a crummy day. Last week I auditioned for a Lead Role in Paramount Pictures Road Trip 2...yea pretty awesome right? So my agents filmed me and sent off the tape, and I felt really confident. My agents we're rolling the entire time and they said that I did really good. Found out I didn't get the callback audition. It's the business I'm trying to get in though, 99% rejection, but when that 1% finally comes through I know it'll be sweet. But for my first audition I think a Paramount Picture sounds pretty rad eh?

Much Love,

10:00 PM

SAK Comedy Lab Class Today + More

I had my SAK Comedy Lab class today, I'm currently in Level 3 of classes. Once I am complete with Level 4 I might possibly start doing shows there. SAK is where Wayne Brady and many other famous comedians got their starts, and it's by far the biggest place for Improv in the state of Florida so it's truly an honor to train on it's stage. If you've never been to a SAK show you really should, check out their website www.sak.com for their show schedule, they almost have a show going on every night of the week.

Just got done capturing the footage from the "one on one narratives" we shot Thursday for the Skittin Across America DVD. I will finally start the process of piecing all the footage together tomorrow. Shouldn't take me too long to get something together, we are working on a possible VERY BIG DVD Release Party for the DVD that will truly blow your mind but I want to wait until something is set in stone before I make the announcement, but keep checking in on here, MySpace, www.woodensteel.tv and www.skittinacrossamerica.com for more info!

To end this blog, I'll post a funny picture that was taken of me friday by my boy Scotty Trimmier, check out his FLICKR. And yes I tried to look as creepy as possible...

2:56 AM

Lost in Chaos at HOB Tonight!!!

Great time at the House of Blues tonight. My boys Scotty, Joey, and Wacky and Myself tore up the dance floor for my buddies AJ Gallant and Matt Bentley's band "LOST IN CHAOS". The bands drummer couldn't make the show sadly, he had to go to the hospital right before the show so the band was forced to do an acoustic set. We made the best of it and not to toot my own horn but we had a hand in getting the crowd into the band ;) Check out Lost in Chaos on MySpace at: http://www.myspace.com/lostinchaosmusic

Until my next entry Good Night Folks, I gotta wake up and go to Orlando for my SAK Comedy Lab Improv Class...I love you all - Shane

4:45 PM

ShaneHartline.com + More!

Incase you didn't know you can put in SHANEHARTLINE.com now and you will be taken to this official blog. I will be updating it a lot more from now on so please check back and leave as much feedback as you can, it's a great inspiration to keep posting ;)

I've moved into a new Townhouse with two of my buddies. Scotty Trimmier whom most of you know that is a part of Wooden Steel Productions with me and also one of my best buddies, and Ryan Sylvester who is the bassist of Florida Band "Black in the Mind". Last night we threw our first "get together/shindig" at our house, turned out really awesome. A lot of people came out, we danced, we laugh, we cried, people fell down the stairs...funny times.

Tonight I'm going to be going to a concert at the House of Blues in Orlando, FL. Personal friend of my AJ Gallant who is playing for band "Lost in Chaos" will be playing there, will be cool to see them at the HOB. Friends will be joining me, and moshing will occur. Hopefully small children will stay out of my way.

Skittin Across America is coming along nicely. We're still in desperate need of press and a charity to work with. It's really hard to find one that fits the project we're working with. We're trying to get connected with a really awesome charity and I'll keep everyone up to date on that. We filmed our one on one narratives for the DVD this past Thursday, and they we're freakin' hilarious. I'm telling you this DVD is going to be amazing. www.skittinacrossamerica.com

I had my first audition last week with my agency "The Diamond Agency". It's really big part and callbacks are weds. I haven't heard anything yet but please pray for me and keep your fingers crossed. I felt I did really good in the audition. I'll let you know more about the audition in time.

If there is anything you'd ever like for me to talk about in my blog feel free to email me at ShaneHartline@aim.com or leave a comment after the posts :)

Thanks for readin,
Shane Hartline