Hey all, just wanted to let you in on a new direction I'm going to be taking Wooden Steel Productions. No nothing really drastic is going to change, don't worry.
Instead of Wooden Steel Productions having "Members" or anything like that I'd like it to go back to the days of when it was just me filming with my friends and whoever wanted to be involved. I think I've personally stressed over who is an official "Wooden Steeler" for way too long when instead I should have been focusing on just producing funny videos. If we don't focus on "Members", this gets rid of the usual "Who's the new Wooden Steeler?" or "Why did, so and so leave?"...Nobody was ever kicked out of Wooden Steel, people get busy, life gets crazy and that's all that's ever happened every time someone in the past dissapeared. And that's another reason why I want to scrap the "Official Wooden Steeler's" thing because it's not supposed to be about that. I want anyone to be involved in my videos, that has a passion to produce some hilarious videos of course, to be involved...not just limited to the official guys.
So yes everything will be the same, I am still producing Wooden Steel videos, and infact Wooden Steel is going BIGGER! Wooden Steel Productions is now a registered LLC as "Wooden Steel Productions LLC", so I'm going to be producing more DVD's, films THAN EVER! I've added a great looking new logo to the page to spark the new movement in Wooden Steel. Oh by the way, search Skittin Across America on IMDB ;) IT'S GETTIN THAT LEGIT!
You might also be seeing some old faces pop up for some videos, and some new faces...I want to introduce you to all my friends, because trust me I have some great friends that the world NEEDS TO KNOW!
So until next time, Enjoy Wooden Steel :)
Shane Hartline
Wooden Steel Productions