2:09 PM

Help me go to Hollywood!


All you have to do is...

-Go to my Big Shot Live Profile: HERE
-Watch my "Acting Audition" Video that comes onto my page
-Then click SEND to help me go to Hollywood!

Please do this and please tell all of your friends to do this as well, it could give me the chance to be in a movie or a tv show!

Shane Hartline

3:37 PM

What's goin on...

Hey guys I haven't been updating this thing as much as I used to and I will try to change that. What's going on in the life of Shane Hartline?

I'm signed up to start taking some lessons at SAK Comedy Lab in Orlando, it's an 8 week course and if I do good I guess that I'll start doing shows there on Friday Night which would be amazing! I used to watch shows up there when I was younger, and it'd be great to work with those guys.

There will be no Webshow this Thursday Night because I will be doing some filming for an upcoming Music Video I am producing for Black in the Mind, I will be at the Florida Citrus Festival in Winter Haven, FL filming for BITM. They will be a part of the Battle of the Bands, it all starts at 7PM so you should come check it out!

I just got done counseling for my Youth Groups Winter Retreat this past weekend, and I also did 4 skit performances as well. I'm still really exhausted from it all, but it was a really great time for myself and the kids, God was deff hard at work as well.

I've started back classes at Polk Community College. I'm currently taking Drawing/Composition, Logic, Human Development and College Success. All elective classes, which is great. I should be done with my 2 year degree by the summer! YAY!


I got an iPhone, it's amazing...and the plan we worked out was cheaper than my last phone plan which makes it all better.

Our DVD is still in production and will be out by the end of this month or early February...it's gonna be a great buy!

I will be making another appearance at FXE Wrestling "Crush Live" January 26th. It's at the National Guard Armory in Orlando, FL if you don't have anything going on that evening you should come out, FXE puts on an amazing show. Fore more information visit myspace.com/fxewrestling

That is all folks, until next time...


9:52 AM


That's right, we broke 1,000 viewers last night at one point during the show on "Wooden Steel Live". We recorded the episode, but are having technical difficulties with the recording right now, and we are working on that, hopefully we will get it working soon. We want to thank everyone, we started this thing back in March with only like 20 viewers, and now we are rocking hard!

If you haven't yet gotten the chance to see Wooden Steel Live you can catch it every Thursday Night at 10pm EST - 7pm PST at www.woodensteel.tv/liveshow.html

Thanks again everyone,